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【Windows】【cmd】bcdedit 用法整理 概述:bdcedit用法整理|双机调试 更多命令:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/bcdedit–bootdebug 2024-10-18 A_OS > Windows > cmd #Windows #Windows/cmd #cmd
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Chapter 2. CSAF | Red Hat Product Documentation Chapter 2. CSAF | Red Hat Product Documentation #Omnivore Read on Omnivore Read Original Chapter 2. CSAF Abstract Provides an index to all recent CSAF documents with a summary of their contents, wh 2024-10-18 Omnivore > 2024-09-18 #POC #Omnivore
【POC】从 Redhat 获取 CVE 相关信息 概述:从 RedHat 获取 CVE 数据并保存到 json 文件 2024-10-18 A_内功 > A_POC探索 > 工具 #POC #Python #Redhat
【APC】Depths of Windows APC 概述:Windows APC 相关内容。 原文链接:Depths of Windows APC - Aspects of internals of the Asynchronous Procedure Calls from the kernel mode. - 阅力值 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 相关译文:深入 Windows APC - 寂静的羽夏 - 博客园 - 阅力值 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 相关文章: Intric 2024-10-17 A_OS > Windows > APC #Windows #APC
CodeMachine - Article - X64 Deep Dive CodeMachine - Article - X64 Deep Dive #Omnivore Read on Omnivore Read Original This tutorial discusses some of the key aspects of code execution on the X64 CPU like compiler optimizations, exception 2024-10-11 Omnivore > 2024-09-23 #x64 #Omnivore
使用 osquery 查询系统uuid和系统信息 查询uuid 方法一 见查询信息 方法二 通过注册表 12345SELECT data from registry where key ='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography' AND name='MachineGuid';# 或者SELECT data FROM registry 2024-10-11 G_工具 > osquery #Windows #osquery